4 player interesting cards games 13 Tervi(तेरहवीं) in hindi |Type of Chokdi (चौकड़ी)
The Games Unboxing
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The Games Unboxing presents 4 player interesting cards games 13 ‘Terbhi’ in hindi.it’s also known as chokdi ( चौकड़ी).chokdi game has number of versions.Indian Card Game.Taash kaise khelte hai.this video also contains “How to play 13 card game rules for four player” in Hindi. we can play with family members at your home and know about terbhi card game rules. #StayHome and play indoor game #WithMe.#StayHome and play cards games #WithMe
#terbhiKaiseKhelteHai#4playerGame#IndianCardsGames#13CardGameRule #Chokdi #chokri