5 great trading card games that aren't Magic: the Gathering - finalbosscardgame.com

5 great trading card games that aren’t Magic: the Gathering

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Here are a few trading card games we think you’ll enjoy! Here at Dicebreaker we try to show off every facet of tabletop gaming. We’ve given you the scoop on RPGs and board games but sometimes we don’t feel like we show enough love for the noble art that is playing trading card games. Unless you’ve been a fan for a long time, you might not know the following: how to get started and where to get started. If you fancy a foray into the world of TCGs and are sick and tired of being told non-stop that you should get into Magic the Gathering, you might want to check out our thoughts on the other greats you can take a look at.

00:00 – Introduction
01:00 – Pokemon
03:00 – Yu-Gi-Oh!
05:30 – Ashes Reborn
07:40 – Keyforge
10:30 – Android: Netrunner

Buy Pokemon cards here:
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Buy YU-GI-OH! cards here:

Buy Ashes Reborn here:
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Buy Keyforge here:
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(US) […]rds=keyforge&qid=1646413674&sprefix=keyfor%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-2?tag=dicebreak-m-20

Android Netrunner fan revial information here:

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