Behind the Scenes of Professor Noggin's Award Winning Card Games -

Behind the Scenes of Professor Noggin’s Award Winning Card Games

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Behind the scenes look at Professor Noggin’s award winning card games gives insight into how easily the game is played, how the cards are illustrated and who is demanding them. Winner of over 15 awards, including Parent’s Choice Foundation, the National Association for Gifted Children and Scholastic Instructor Magazine. Allegra Vernon has illustrated the majority of the card games for various subjects including history, nature, science, hobbies, geography, and sports. She shows the different styles and techniques that she uses to illustrate the cards. The inventor of Professor Noggin’s, Dave Manga, takes feedback from fans very seriously. As a result of fan requests, the 39th card game manufactured was a Special Edition Fifty States card game! It was the first time Outset Media produced a card game with double the cards. Thank you for your suggestions!

All of the Professor Noggin’s card games are proudly manufactured in Canada.

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