Digimon Card Game Official Rules Song
Dive into the world of Digimon Card Game with this song and become the best Digimon tamer!
Will you be number one?
———Lyrics here———
Keep raising and Digivolve. Adventure together with your strongest Digimon to seize victory
Dive into Battle!
Digimon Cards lead the charge
Support comes from your Tamer Cards
Played just once are Option Cards
Build a deck of 50 ready to start
Hatch the Digi-Egg Card
5 Digi-Eggs in your Digi-Egg deck
Shuffle both decks, get ready for the match!
5 cards from top deck to security stack
Win rock paper scissors and be the first to attack!
5 cards in your hand
Set the memory gauge to 0! Come on let’s play
Digimon! Digimon Card Game!
You can raise, digivolve, and attack so let’s go!
Battle to break your opponent’s security stack down to zero for the final blow!
Digimon! Digimon Card Game!
Use memory wisely for victory
Unsuspend, Draw, Breeding and Main phases, your journey starts now!
When the memory gauge reaches 1, it’s your opponent’s turn to have fun
Use your memory carefully to play cards or Digivolve
Attack with your Digimon partner to check your rival’s security!
Higher DP wins
Stand strong till the end, security checks can come when you least expect!
Digimon! Digimon Card Game!
Keep fighting till the end because you never know
Weaken and break down your opponent’s security stack to zero for the final blow!
Digimon! Digimon Card Game!
How you use your memory gauge is the key!
Inherited effects from Digivolution
Can change your fate
Digimon Cards connect the world
Never forget to draw one card when your Digimon Digivolves
Figure out the best type of strategy
Reach for the top and glory
Digimon Cards connect the world
Never forget your dreams
Digimon! Digimon Card Game!
Now its your turn
Will you be number one?
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