How to play Screw your Neighbor (aka Cuckoo/Chase the Ace/Ranter Go Round)
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The object of the game is to not have the lowest card. Each player starts the game with an equal number of life, usually 3. Pick a dealer who shuffles a standard 52 card deck of playing cards, with king high and ace low. The dealer deals 1 card to each player. Players look at their card but keep it hidden from others.
Beginning with the player left of the dealer then proceeding clockwise, each player has one turn. On your turn you may either keep your card or try to exchange it with the player to your left. Your neighbor must accept the exchange unless they have a king, in which case they show the king and you keep your card. On the dealer’s turn, they may try to exchange their card from the remaining deck, instead of the player to their left, but if the card obtained is a king, the dealer must keep their original card.
After everyone has had their turn, everyone exposes their card and whoever has the lowest card loses 1 life. Suite is irrelevant, so if several players tie for lowest they all lose a life. Once you lose all your lives you are out of the game. The last player standing, in wins.