How to play The Game of Life
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The object of the game is to be the player with the most money at the end. The youngest player goes first then play proceeds clockwise. On your turn, spin the spinner and move your car forward, along the path following the direction of the arrows, by the number of spaces spun. You may not move backwards. When you pass a green payday space, collect your salary as indicated on your career card. If you land on a green payday space, then you collect an additional 100K bonus.
When you land on an action space, take the top action card from the deck, read it aloud (except for the yellow highlighted text at the bottom) and follow the instructions. Keep the action cards you draw in facedown pile by you until the end of the game to earn more money.
When you land on a spin to win space, all players choose a number on the spin to win wheel and place their token on that number. You get to put a second silver token on a second number since you landed on the space. Spin the spinner until a number with a token on it comes up. That player wins 200K and the tokens are returned.
When you land on a baby space, add as many pegs to your car as the space tells you and add them to your car. When you land on a house space, you may choose to buy a house, sell a house, or do nothing. To buy a house, draw the top 2 cards from the house deck and pick one. Pay the bank the purchase price and return the other to the bottom of the deck. Place the newly purchased home faceup in front of you. You may own more than one house. To sell a house, spin the spinner and look at the center colored area to see if it is red or black. Collect the sale price as indicated on the card by the color from the bank, then return the card to the bottom of the deck.
When you land on a pet space, draw a pet card, read it aloud and do what it says. Add the card to your collection of action cards until the end of the game for more money.
When you come to a stop space, you must stop moving, even if you had moves left. After resolving your stop you always spin and move again. Each stop space is different, and are as follows:
“Graduation”. Take the top 2 college career cards from the deck, pick one to put faceup in front of you and put the other back under the deck.
“Get Married”. Add another people peg to your car, then spin. If you spin red, every other player gives you 50K. If you spin black, then every other player gives you 100K.
“Night School”. If you don’t want to change your career, you don’t have to. If you want to change your career. Pay the bank 100K. Take the top college career card from the deck. If you want it, swap it with your current career card, if not, put it back under the deck.
“Family”. Pick a direction to travel.
“Baby”. Spin the spinner to see how many babies you’ve had. Add the appropriate people pegs to your car.
“Risky”. Pick a direction to travel.
If ever you don’t have enough money to pay a debt or buy something, you must take out a bank loan. The banker gives you 50K plus 1 white bank loan each time you borrow. Pay the loan back at any time by returning it, along with 60K to the bank.
When you reach the retirement space, choose whether to go to the millionaire mansion or the countryside acres. Park your car, kick back, and wait for everyone else to retire. Collect your retirement bonus from the bank as follows: The first to retire receives 400K. the 2nd receives 300K, the 3rd receives 200K, and the 4th receives 100K.
Once everyone has retired, everyone pays back their debts and add up their wealth. Sell all your houses. Collect 100K for each action and pet card you have. Collect 50K for each baby you have. Pay the bank 60K for each loan. Add all your cash together. The player with the most money wins!
Are the first player(s) to retire done playing or do they still participate while waiting for the other players? That is the only part of the game that is confusing?
Played about 4 games of this tonight. Love it. I enjoy it more than the old version I'm used to from the 90's and on. I miss some of the old jobs tho.
Wish there was a quarantine space to make it more realistice
كيف الحال
The only thing That I didn't know adout life was the spin thing that you…Look I Don't Know What To Say Look This Is The Thing That I Didn't know 0:51then stop at 1:01 that's the thing that I didn't know adout life
Thank for telling me how to play
Very well explained, thank you!
"04:02" Well I used * ᴍᴏʙᴅᴜᴅᴇ .ᴄᴏᴍ* and frankly it's real
i have this game and it is so fun to play with kids
This helped me when I bought the game it help us play the game
Oh so that how it turns out well thank you 👍👍👍
When you realize you got the wrong the game of life version 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
after watching this video I can't wait and orderd in flipcart it is coming this Monday thank you for this game -😊
When do I call uno?
I was searching for Conway's Game of Life game and this American life game where the objective is having the more money turned out instead…
yes. that how you play the game of life.
I don’t have a pet card
This is not what I came here for lmao
I wasn’t searching for this game of life😂
This is very interesting game
i wish i had that game
How I wish the money were real- then I’d probably be a millionaire
I agree
So u don’t gain any money when buying a house?
this was a just a year ago? thought it was way older
The Game of Life had an older version of 2000s
I have a few questions:
1. When you first start the game and you choose college, do you have to pay $100k?
2. When you get the card being fired from your job and has to take another card, do you pick college career if you are a graduate or you pick career regardless?
3. What if there is no more available cars for my extra babies?
4. So when you reach a stop sign you have to stop regardless right? And you said to continue you spin again. Is that on the next turn or this turn?
5. Do we have to wait for the LAST player to retire? Because it happened that the last player been getting a small number and he ended with action card which doubled all other players…
So this does not have mini games?
Very useful thank you
My daughter and I watched this video and are going to play for the first time. This is always the channel we go to before playing a new game.
what if the people playing are the same age?
How much money do u start with?
This is different to my game of life
Could a player actually go bankrupt at the end?
Also what about the version without pets? I had one of those.
So winning in life is all about who has the most money by the time they retire 🙁
Reuben Klamer the toy inventor of "The Game of Life" died on 9/14/21 He also created the phaser rifle used in the" Star Trek" TV series. It's amazing that a man who created one of the most popular games in US history ended up being it's biggest winner of all. He lived to be 99 years old. Obviously he knew a lot more about winning in the real game of life than anybody ever gave him credit for.
we are all playing it
This literally sounds like the most depressing game imaginable. Who on earth would enjoy playing that…
I'm here cos I have the instructions but I still don't understand it 🤣
What should i do if i have full babies and pets ?
Getting married and having a kid should be optional
So the goal in life is to make as much money as possible? And more kids = more $$$? I've definitely been playing wrong.
Sheesh. Life is stressful. The real thing and the game. 🥴
I just got this a game today I'm so excited/nervous 😰
Wait this isn't that one game with the black and white cells-
I've always liked the concept of the game of life, but I've always wanted a more realistic version where things can and will go wrong, so you need to keep retrying until you succeed.
What version is this? Looks nothing like the one I have 🤷🏿♂️