Sam Hyde’s Trading Card Game
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We have been working for two (2) years to bring you guys MONDO MEGABITS, an NFT card game that’s minting soon. (Don’t fret: it’s playable by penniless scrubs and Wealthy Thomases alike).
An Astute Geoffrey or a Wealthy Thomas might point out that we missed the mark by nearly a year, however, not even a Spiteful Tim can deny the PerfectQuality™.
Join our Discord and get whitelisted today:
(This is not an MDE Discord or an edgy one– we can’t allow those certain types of jokes that will get us shut down. You know what I mean. Just take a normal pill before entering.)
Call the MONDO MEGABITS Call Center, 9 a.m.— 6 p.m. EST Monday—Friday for expedited whitelist access! (Must be a member of the Discord).
Call our Mondo NFT call center 9am-6pm EST Mon-Fri for whitelist (must be a member of the discord)
1-844-OKAY-SIR ! 1-844-OKAY-SIR !
#samhyde #nfts #mondomegabits
i executed all my family with a card in their sleep
Has anyone actually tried to call the number?
so freaking cool
ooo made in blender ay?
hashtag RUGPULL….JK
Will these be the first ever non scam nft project done by an influencer?
What was the track that played during the making of the roboid metal health check card? That shit was fire 🔥🔥✌️
Wow, Adult Swim really fucked up
11:35 boards of canada. love finding them. i still dont get wtf is going in this video or the game rule one though
I don't even get what exactly NFT's are and i don't care but i wanna play that absolutely conveluted card game
the irony is this would be the dopest nft collection ever made
R3 owner here.
Can't wait to see this one unfold. All the fun for free.
14:00 tay zonday?
i have aids
1:11 out of context
Nu-metal never dies
fuckk man this is so cooll
How did you get Adin Ross to do this video?
i came for sam hydes bullshit but i stayed for the coal chamber
If you think about it, there is crafting!
whats the song at 10:30?
so many fire tracks in every sam hyde video
bro WTF they got Tay Zonday 🤣🤣
Song at 7:25? I really like it!
what is the track that starts at 5:10?
Those sunglasses are abhorrent 😂 imagine how much more bludgeonable Hasan pikers face would be if he had them on hahahahah wow
Sam you cant keep get away with this
I really hope people understand how much work went into these. I was getting mondo megabit ads on my instagram with 'Chase' on them hahaha
the rippingtons lmao
i wonder who is the after effects magician behind all this mondo/mde stuff… collaborative or mostly by smual mcdyde?
Can you give songs names?
bro the office behind him has to rooms with "rick and morty" and "breaking bad" on it wtf is this place lmao
only nfts id even ever look at. so much effort has gone into this jesus christ
Music at like 5:30 ?
so if jet is neptune, sam is mars, is julien…gay?
1-844-OKAY-SIR be killin me mane
What’s the song at 7:30
This reminds me of kicking back and watching Hyde wars in my trailer, while crying that Dave Hughes won't answer my emails about the relationship between time cubes and the potential of the higgs boson to control the minds of the political elite. I will aquire these computer cards and with them access to unlimited slippery
How much did you have to pay Coal Chamber though
This video is like heroine to me
Really like shotgun pocket pussy NFT Jiff
The fact that you got Justin Timberlake to endorse the NFT project and The People making it really brings the whole thing together for me
Steve Hyde
They say if you watch this on dmt you will reach nirvana level Ye
I swear Sam Hyde created Cruelty Squad.
I am so confused, is this a mockery of NFT or a real one? i have been post ironically victimized.