Yu-Gi-Oh cards are not actual Money... - finalbosscardgame.com

Yu-Gi-Oh cards are not actual Money…

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Random ass video! I guess Dark Simorgh with Ryko written on it with a Sharpie ain’t worth anything…can`t even get a Soda LMAO


  1. Bro got countered and returned to the hand

  2. Wouldn't even steal a Tyler the Great Warrior… Big L for the vending company really

  3. This reminds me of the coin machines that used to give you Yu Gi Oh cards lol I got an Obelisk out of those in like 2006

  4. Did you try using pot of greed by chance?

  5. You should’ve tried with a blue eyes

  6. They need to get that machine looked at pronto

  7. When civilization collapses we will be paying for stuff with yugioh cards not bottle caps 😂 Pokémon cards will only have sentimental value and be purchased with yugioh cards 😂😂

  8. Nah man, they added the security update for Dark Simorgh.
    You gotta use the new Simorgh of Darkness.

  9. This card is 3$ why can’t I buy a drink NO! It’s fake that scammer

  10. "Screw the money, I got cards." – Seto Kaiba

  11. Get yourself an Eldlich it's literal gold

  12. If you had seto Kaiba bank card it might’ve worked

  13. A 3rd rate Vending machine with a 4th rate deck..

  14. Throws to the graveyard and used monster reborn 😂😂😂

  15. "Be careful in America, Yugi! I hear their society is so backwards, it revolves around money instead of card games!"
    "I will show them a better way."

    — Yu-Gi-Oh! the Abridged Series, Ep. 66

  16. maybe it's not the right one… try using the trap card lucky chance

  17. Lol just the fact that the machine can even take in a yugioh card is already a win for us yugioh players. LOL kek

  18. The machine: nah unless it’s the blue eyes white dragon than I am not taking this filth😂😂😂

  19. I love videos like this. They just feel apropos.

  20. Not the Simorgh! Thats my favorite archetype!

  21. Bro forgot to sacrifice his battle ox and $5

  22. “Now, earn cash back points for your Rare card!😂

  23. This vending machine already has thirty copies of that card. Try a rarer card.

  24. I hate how they decided to give those machines the meta decks, they negate all your cards!

  25. Must of been like this card is worthless in this condition

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